Conservation Site


 Conservation Site

Welcome to our Conservation page. 
Here you will find information about what conservation work we are doing to protect the Future of Endangered Species in Wales.

Our site is Currently being improved for Wildlife. 
We Currently have many Hedgerow Projects on the Go at Present! 
The aim is to replace existing fencing with Natural Hedgerows.
This will benefit the wildlife creating corridors and shelter for wildlife. 
Providing cover between the farm, track and woodland.

We are also returning the neglected Oak coppice Woodland, 
back in to rotation as it has been out of rotation for around 30 years. 

So a lot of work is taking place on Site re-planting
 & Coppice working especially During the Winter Months.

Due to the sensitivity of the birds that may nest at our woodland site.
For this Reason 
NO Dogs are allowed within Narrows Wood Conservation Area. 
Please keep any dogs on a leads when walking the private tracks adjacent to Narrows Wood Conservation site.

Environment (Wales) Act 2016 Section 7 – list of the living organisms of principal importance for

 the purpose of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in relation to Wales.

Click highlighted Names in the list below! 
 Our Conservation Projects on Priority species in Blue. 
Identified to be present in our wood in red
(research required for there Conservation)
Local to Cwm Gilla Woods area list but not Identified yet.
 Useful outside link to info Websites on a Species in green.
Conservation Status Priority in Wales only species(*) as in Decline in Wales

(R)red list (A)Amber list (NA} Not Assessed (LC)Least Concern

There are 58 Bird Species of Priority in Wales. 

These Birds are in Decline and are Protected under the Act in Wales.

Priority in Wales only species(*)

(NA}Aquatic warbler(R)Skylark(R)Greenland greater white fronted goose

(R)Tree pipit More Research required to establish if Tree pipits are in our Woodland at Narrows wood i.e visual sightings & listening for there Call, Update Neighboring Woodland Owners have seen Tree Pipits Successfully Nesting in The Woodlands.  

(A)Great bittern

(A)Dark-bellied brent goose,(A) European nightjar(R)Lesser redpoll(R)Common linnet,(R) Twite(R)Ringed plover*, 

(R)Hen harrier*,(R) Hawfinch,(R)Corncrake(R)Common Cuckoo

(R)Tundra swan / Bewick's swan

(R)Lesser spotted woodpecker(R)Corn bunting(R)Yellowhammer,

(A)Reed bunting(A)Kestrel*,

Narrows wood Nest Box Project in progress with Nesting Pairs Now Established.
Please visit our Flagship project

More Research required to establish if Redstarts are in our Woodland at Narrows wood i.e visual sightings & listening for there Call, Update in spring of 2023 one of our Cameras Captured a Red Start in Flight So we know know they are at the Site!

More Research required to establish if Willow Warblers are in our Woodland at Narrows wood i.e visual sightings & listening for there Call, 

More Research required to establish if Woodcock are in our Woodland at Narrows wood i.e visual sightings & listening for there Call, 

(LC)Red grouse(R)Red-backed shrike

(R)Herring gull(A)Black-headed Gull*, (A)Bar-tailed godwit*, 

(R)Common grasshopper warbler

(LC)Woodlark(R)Common scoter(R)Yellow wagtail(R)Spotted flycatcher,

(R)Eurasian curlew(R)Willow tit(R)Marsh tit

(R)House sparrow(R)Eurasian (R)tree sparrow(R)Grey partridge,

Narrows Wood Research in to protecting Wood Warbler breeding nesting sites within our wood

Narrows Wood Hedgerows Project should help provide habitat for these birds 

(R)Balearic shearwater,(LC)Chough*, (A)Common bullfinch 

Narrows Wood Research in to protecting Bullfinches breeding nesting sites within our wood, 

(R)Roseate tern(R)European turtle dove,

(R) Common starling winter monitoring of there numbers at our site.

(R)Black grouse,

There are 17 Mammals Species of Priority in Wales. 

These Mammals are in Decline and are Protected under the Act in Wales.

Priority in Wales only species(*)

(R) West European hedgehog 

Exciting News we had our first sighting of Hedgehogs in our woodland more Monitoring of this Red listed mammal at our site to be done to protect them.

  , Brown hareOtterPine marten

Narrows Wood Polecat project in Partnership with Cuan Wildlife Rescue

Click for pdf on Managing a Small Woodland for Dormouse & PTES Guide to Dormouse Here We have also planted New Hazel Trees to help make our Woodland Dormouse friendly,

Narrows Wood more Research required to Establish & locate Bat Nest sites within our Wood.
We have picked up Pipistrelle calls on our bat detector so we do know that some pipistrelle exist within the woods.

There are 8 Reptiles and amphibians Species of Priority in Wales. 

These Reptiles and amphibians are in Decline and are Protected under the Act in Wales.

Priority in Wales only species(*)

Future project to provide habitats for Reptiles & amphibians starting soon!

There are 10 Fish Species of Priority in Wales. 

These fish are in Decline and are Protected under the Act in Wales.

Priority in Wales only species(*)

Allis shad*, Twaite shad*, European eel, Whitefish (Powan, Gwyniad, or Schelly),
River lamprey, Smelt (Sparling), Sea lamprey, Atlantic salmon, Brown / Sea trout, Arctic char
Unlikely to be found in woodlands but if you have ponds or streams in your woodland may occur added just for reference on Priority species.

Our Aims are to improve the management of the woodland to improve the population of these species within our Woodland called Narrows Wood, as part of Wider Oak woodlands. Ensuring a safe haven for these species within the Powys area of Wales. 

    Conservation Site Map Below!

New Tree Planting 2021-2022

New trees have been planted for the Biodiversity of our Woodland. 
Making it more resilient to Tree pests and Diseases. 
Making the woodland more beneficial for the wildlife. 
Total New Trees Planted              466


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