Wood Warbler

 Wood Warbler

(Phylloscopus sibilatrix)

Welcome to our Current Research Page on the Conservation of the Wood Warbler.
Habitat pref: 
Mature sloping Oak woodlands with a closed canopy with often a high tree stem count and an open understory. 
Nests on or very close to the ground amongst ferns, 
heavy leaf litter tussock grasses and fallen branches. 
Requires low branches close to there nest for perching. 
Summer Migratory Breeding in Wales between April to August.

We have heard the Wood Warblers in Narrows Wood & Cwmgilla Woodland.
If any nests are located within our Conservation area we will be doing remote monitoring of any nest found using trail cam equipment.

Key Management Actions for Narrows Wood in the Conservation of the Wood Warbler

 Coppice Management of the woodland with light thinning or Selective felling. 

To maintain a open understory with ground cover for nesting with a varied structure providing perching areas at different levels. 

Retention and creation of deadwood. 

Control of invasive species like rhododendrons, dense beech or holly, keeping most of the woodland an open understory Structure within the woodland.

Keeping the presents of Deer low within the woodland using Deer management methods.

 Using fencing or Hedging to reduce the risk of grazing within the woodland. New woodland creation i.e replanting and natural regeneration of trees within the woodland.

The Use of Trail Cams to Monitor any Wood Warbler Nests found within our conservation area. 

This Method will be a none invasive way to monitor breeding birds with minimal disturbance or intervention at nest sites. 

It will also help Us determine if nests are being disturbed or predated upon within the woodland.  

We are hoping to start Research in the Summer of 2023 and see if we can locate any nesting sites within our woodland. The Wood Warbler is one of our Main Priority Conservation Projects.   

Supportive Research Links

Wood Warbler Doc

Wood Warbler Doc1

Wood Warbler Doc2

Video Links to some Great Short Wildlife films on the Wood Warbler by Dr Jakub Szymkowiak

Wood Warbler Song

Nesting Wood Warbler

Entering Nest

Feeding Chicks

Here is a video on the British Warblers to help identify them.

 British Warbler's

Latest Project Updates!


Unfortunately we have so far not spotted any Wood Warblers nesting in our part of the wood this year.

We will continue to monitor our part of the Cwmgilla Woodland for these birds and post updates here if they are seen in Narrows Wood. 


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