Bat Roost Project

 Bat Roost Project

We will be installing 3 Bat Boxes on some of our Sessile Oak trees to provide some additional roosting spots around our Woodland. There are currently many old oak trees around our wood with cracks, holes & crevice's that may provide roost spots for bats. By providing additional man made boxes it is hoped that we can add additional places to the Natural environment for roosting bats.

Once we have installed the boxes they will be permanently in stalled and not touched as Bats are legally protected by law. We will be able to monitor our boxes via Non-invasive means by watching with night vision binoculars bats coming in and out of the roost. By using bat detectors & also via Trail cams placed on Opposite trees. All these methods are Non intrusive and valuable way of monitoring bats.

Please return for project Updates.


Added 2 extra holes in the bottom board for extra security for fitting to trees. 

For more information on Bats visit

On the 16th of February 2024

John from Narrows Wood & Joe from Bowdler Wood installed, 

5 New Bat boxes at the Narrows Wood site. 

It is hoped these new boxes will provide roosting sites for the Local Bats & is the Start of our Bat Conservation Project at Narrows Wood.

Hoping to Do some Bat Box Monitoring in June 2024 & over the Summer  to see if Bats are using our Newly Installed Roosts.If Successful we may install more Next year!


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