About Us

 About Us

3pm 22nd July 2021
The Site is Owned & Managed By John & Tracey Williams.
Visit to our Site are Via Appointment or Invitation Only.

About Us!
Narrows Wood has given Us the opportunity to Learn new Skills in woodland management.
 The Opportunity to Help Save Endangered wildlife while enjoying the freedom of the Countryside . 

A self made Hobby/Job that we both can enjoy and Learn from at Our own pace.
Though we both have Disability & mobility issues we still try to keep as active as we possibly can. It may take Us twice as long as an abled bodied person to do things but we manage to muddle through and get things Done. Having a woodland means we can take our time managing it there is no rush as a woodland grows slowly and things can be done at a steadier pace. We have Strategically also installed seating throughout our property for us to rest. Both my wife & I have suffered from ill health & have mobility problems but we get by as best we can. 
Any major issues we have like fallen trees etc, we call in professional contractors to deal with them for Us. Woodland Management is not just exclusively for the fit & abled bodied person but, for all No matter of your ability or disability

We enjoy Caring for the Environment & the Wildlife around Us,
 while giving Us both a sense of purpose & Freedom!

We use Non Invasive methods at our site to help insure minimal contact an interaction with the wildlife that we are protecting, Surveying & studying as many are Endangered & Priority Protected Species. 

Non Invasive Methods include : Radio Equipment, Remote Camera equipment, Sound Recording Equipment, Visual observation & Monitoring Equipment. 

John Williams Stewardship Scientist(Forest Research.gov.uk)

I retired from Unilever after working for them for 32 years due to Ill Health.
 I have a passion for wildlife Photography & Conservation. I am Currently doing research for the Forestry Commission & Sylva Foundation as a voluntary Stewardship Scientist Working for Forest Research Gov UK. 
on the Growth Project & Resilience Project for the Forestry Commission.  


Tracey Williams Citizen Scientist

Tracey worked for NHS  but unfortunately can no longer work there due to ill health. She enjoys Wildlife Photographer & Conservationist. She also has a passion for Science & Biology. 



We also own a Pine Forest Preserve in Scotland bought in 2007.

Views of our Pine Forest in Scotland

We also have 1 mile of Private River Fishing in Scotland 

In the Future we hope to add more Property to our Portfolio. 

Our Bench poem by Tracey.
We have numerous seating installed around our wood due to Mobility issues which allows us to sit and take a rest whilst enjoying the woodland wildlife. 

About our Wood


Welcome to Narrows Wood or Pren Narrows in Welsh.

Narrows Wood is a Private Wildlife Conservation & Forestry Coppicing Site.

No Public Access is Allowed at Narrows Wood as the Semi Ancient Woodland, contains some Critically endangered species of Fauna & Flora that are being Protected in Wales at Our site. 

Coppicing Forestry Work takes place in the Winter to Manage the Woodland for wildlife.

Click link Below!

We also work closely with Cuan Wildlife Rescue Providing them with a Safe Environment to Release rehabilitated animals back to the wild. 
In the summer of 2021 Dani from Cuan released 3 young Polecats back to the wild at our site. 
The release was very successful and the polecats have now ventured off from the Woodland to establish there own territory within the local area. 
Hopefully more successful wildlife releases by Cuan will take place at the site in the Future. 

Currently research & Work is being carried out within the Wood to Establish  a Safe Habitat for some Wales Endangered Species that live with in the Semi Ancient Woodland.
 Recent feasibility Studies suggest at least 17 Species are Present in the Area.
European Protected Species of Bats:

As Roost sites are found within Narrows Wood  & Roost Boxes Erected to Help protect these Bat Species Signs will also be put up on the important roost site trees. 
Major concerns are for the Red Listed Barbastelle Bats.

Other Red listed European Protected Species of Mammals are the Hazel Dormouse.
These Cute little Mice are one of the main concerns to Us at Narrows Wood and We will be doing Studies in to the Population of Hazel Dormice as one of our priority projects in 2024.

We can now Confirm that our Site is home to The Red Listed  Hedgehogs in 2023 as sightings have been made of Hedgehogs in the woods.

Other Endangered or Risk of Decline In Wales & UK were also Highlighted to be Identified with in the Woodland at Narrows Wood. Such as the Wood White & The White-letter Hairstreak Butterflies.

Birds on the List: Pied Flycatcher (breeding), Redstart (breeding) and Tree Pipit (breeding).
Ground Nesting Birds such as Wood Warbler (Breeding), Willow Warbler (breeding) & Woodcock (wintering)

In 2022 & 2023 we have had Successful Nesting of Breading Pied Flycatchers at our Woodland site. 

Due to the sensitivity of the Site for Ground Nesting Birds there is also a Strictly NO DOGS allowed Policy also imposed on the Narrows Wood site
Our woodland is closed at all times to the horses, hounds, officials, followers and any other individual connected The Local Hunt.  

Plants , Trees & Fungi on the list include Lichens (Lobarion Lichen Communities) & the Ash Tree.
To help these Endangered Species Carful Woodland Management of Narrows Wood, are being developed within the wood. Coppicing the Trees at the site to maintain maintain and improve the woodlands ecosystem and Environment for Nature.

Camera systems will be installed around the site for monitoring of the wildlife
and surveillance to protect the site.

Also some High Frequency Radio equipment will be being used at the site.

We are now Members of the Small Woods Association who provide Help & information for Woodland Owners.

Click link Below!

Narrows Wood (C)2021

(Note We Own the Sporting  & Mineral Rights to our Property and they are not Let to anyone else!)

No unauthorised Hunting, Fly tipping or Trespassing is allowed on our Site!

Those found committing these offences will be Prosecuted!

Armed Trespass is also a Serious Criminal Offence which carries a prison sentence!   

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