
Showing posts from May, 2022


  Dunnock ( Prunella modularis) Above a photo of a Dunnock at Narrows Wood ( A ) Hedge accentor (Dunnock, Hedge sparrow) The Dunnock is a hedgerow bird that sometimes gets mistaken for a Sparrow. But if you look carefully at its beak its much thinner and more pointed than a sparrows bill. It is also about the size of a Robin. Like Robins there feeding habits are similar and the spend a lot of time foraging on the Ground. Dunnocks nest in dense vegetation usually in hedgerows,  building a nest of Moss & twigs. Breeding between April & June.  Key  Management  Actions for Narrows Wood in the Conservation of the Dunnock which is on the Amber list. Planting of new Hedgerow trees on the woodland & Field edges, should provide food and shelter for this Hedgerow bird.  Our Hedgerow Projects are Now well underway to create Habitat that will suit the Dunnock for there Nesting site habitat.    

Wood Warbler

 Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) ( R ) Wood warbler Welcome to our Current Research Page on the Conservation of the Wood Warbler. Habitat pref:  Mature sloping Oak woodlands with a closed canopy with often a high tree stem count and an open understory.  Nests on or very close to the ground amongst ferns,  heavy leaf litter tussock grasses and fallen branches.  Requires low branches close to there nest for perching.  Summer Migratory Breeding in Wales between April to August. We have heard the Wood Warblers in Narrows Wood & Cwmgilla Woodland. If any nests are located within our Conservation area we will be doing remote monitoring of any nest found using trail cam equipment. Key Management  Actions for Narrows Wood in the Conservation of the Wood Warbler  Coppice Management  of the woodland with light thinning  or Selective felling.  To maintain a open understory with ground cover for nesting with a varied structure p...

Project Polecat

 Project Polecat Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.  Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework. link to Outside info page on the Polecat In August we approached Cuan Wildlife Rescue Hospital, offering them a safe haven at our woodland site for the safe release of rehabilitated & rescued wildlife back in to the wild. On the 31st August 2021 Dani Peat from the Cuan Wildlife Rescue release 2 Male Polecats at Narrows Wood. Both Polecats settled in very well in the woodland and soon were exploring there surrounding's. Two weeks after there release they had left our wood to explore the wider woodlands at our location and find a territory of there own. After this first Successful Release by Dani from Cuan Wildlife Rescue a second Polecat a female was released on 5th of October 2021. She soon settled in to the Woodland & was soon searching for her own Territory in the Oak forest. It is hoped after the Successful release of th...

Pied Flycatcher Project

 Pied Flycatcher Project (Gwybedog brith) Pied Flycatcher Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.  Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework. link to Outside info page on the Pied Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleeuca)  The valleys and hillsides of Wales are a good place for breeding Pied Flycatchers in summer. The pied flycatcher is a small, black-and-white bird of mature woodland with a preference for oak trees.  They are  slightly smaller than a house sparrow. Males are mostly black above and white below, with a bold white patch on the folded wing. Females have the same basic patterning, but are browner in colour. It is a summer visitor from April and May onwards, and breeds mainly in western areas of Britain. Pied flycatchers may be seen sitting patiently on a perch, waiting for a chance to fly out and catch their insect prey in mid air.  They also search for insects on tree trunks and on the grou...

Hedgerows Project

 Hedgerows Project 2021-2022 In the Autumn of 2021 we started work on our Largest Project. The Hedgerows project is aimed at improving & enhancing the Habitat for the Wildlife! We have many different Hedgerow projects on the go at the same time. Here we will tell you a bit more about each area with the help of the key map above.  So far between 2021 Autumn & Spring 2022 we have planted over 416 new trees & shrubs. 2021 & 2022 Tree Planted in Narrows Wood Western Hemlock 5  Spindle berry Bush 5 Hawthorn 55 Blackthorn 55 Green Beech 65 Purple Beech 3 Wild Plum 5 Crab Apple 5 Sweet Chestnut 5 Hazel  22 Field Maple 5 Common Alder 5  Aspen 5  Holly 16  Elder 16  Dog rose 30  Wild cherry 20  Juniper 19 Yew 15  Small-leaved lime 15 Blue Spruce 1  Dogwood 16  Pear 3 Apple 2 Conifers Cupressus 10 Wallnut 4  & Hornbeam 9 Hedgerow - Mixed Hedge Project The Hedgerow project is one of our main ongoing planting ...