Hedgerows Project

 Hedgerows Project


In the Autumn of 2021 we started work on our Largest Project.

The Hedgerows project is aimed at improving & enhancing the Habitat for the Wildlife!

We have many different Hedgerow projects on the go at the same time. Here we will tell you a bit more about each area with the help of the key map above. 

So far between 2021 Autumn & Spring 2022 we have planted over 416 new trees & shrubs.

2021 & 2022 Tree Planted in Narrows Wood

Western Hemlock 5  Spindle berry Bush 5 Hawthorn 55 Blackthorn 55 Green Beech 65 Purple Beech 3 Wild Plum 5 Crab Apple 5 Sweet Chestnut 5 Hazel  22 Field Maple 5 Common Alder 5  Aspen 5  Holly 16  Elder 16  Dog rose 30  Wild cherry 20  Juniper 19 Yew 15  Small-leaved lime 15 Blue Spruce 1  Dogwood 16  Pear 3 Apple 2 Conifers Cupressus 10 Wallnut 4 

& Hornbeam 9

Hedgerow - Mixed Hedge Project

The Hedgerow project is one of our main ongoing planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating a covered mixed Hedgerow of Trees & Shrubs between the Lower Track & the Farmers field. The hedging trees & shrubs have been planted along the boundary fence with the Local farm. Most of this hedgerow has now been planted & we will be watching its progress as the New Hedge grows. If it needs anymore Trees & shrubs to complete this Project we will more than likely add them at the end of 2022.

Brookside - Mixed Hedge Project

The Brookside project is one of our main ongoing planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating a covered mixed Hedgerow of Trees & Shrubs between the Lower Track & the Woodland along the small ditch between the Lower Track & the Wood. The hedging trees & shrubs have been planted along the Brook. Most of this hedgerow has now been planted & we will be watching its progress as the New Hedge grows. If it needs anymore Trees & shrubs to complete this Project we will more than likely add them at the end of 2022.

Update October 2022 We have ordered 100 Salix viminalis (Basket Willow) to fill gaps in the Brookside Hedge. Should hopefully start planting these this Autumn. 

Our order Failed to arrive so we reordered 50 Willow from another supplier which we have now planted at the End of October 2022. 

Coppice Beech - Hedge Project

The Coppice Beech project is one of our main planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating a Covered Hedgerow of Beech tree hedging between the Coppice Conservation woodland & the Lower Brookside. The hedge has been planted along our old forest fence. Unfortunately we did not order enough Beech trees to complete this Hedge. So we have Used some of the Evergreen trees that were for the Brood Hedging project to complete our Hedging. This will give the wildlife continuous cover in the lower boundary of our wood all year round. This will provide nesting spots for Blackbirds, Wrens & Robins.   

2022 Update Unfortunately a lot of the Beech trees planted has not Survived so we will have to have a look again at what will grow along the fence line. 

Brood Evergreen - Hedge Project

The Brood Evergreen project is one of our main planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating a covered mixed Hedgerow of Evergreen Trees & Shrubs between Our Neighbouring Wood Brood . It is hoped that providing an Evergreen Boundary Hedge will create shelter for wintering Birds & Mammals. Providing them with some place to seek refuge in the winter months. When the Oak woodland is barren and leafless.

Update 2022 Most of our Evergreen trees have survived and are growing slowly.

Update November 2022

We have ordered 100 Norway Spruce for Planting on our Boundary with Brood this Year. They should arrive mid to late November for Planting. They will Provide Future Food & Habitat for the reintroduction of Red Squirrel, Once the Greys have been Eradicated from the Woodland. They are also less likely to be eaten by Deer & will also Provide Winter cover for the Wildlife. We are also Sharing some of the Excess ordered with our Neighbouring woodland owners.

New planting Projects  (not on Map)

Car Park Mixed Hedge Project

The Car park project is one of our main planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating a covered mixed Hedgerow in the Parking area Providing Us with shelter from the wind while working at our Woodland. It will also provide shelter & cover for the Wildlife providing nesting sites for the birds. Our Neighbours at Tilhill Forestry have Harvested all the Pine trees! In the process removed cover for the Wildlife & also leaving our Area exposed to the winds. It is hoped by adding More Trees & Shrubs around our parking Area will help resolve Habitat loss caused by our Neighbours.

2022 Update Most of the trees planted in the Car Park Area are doing well & we have also getting a lot more raspberry bushes growing in this area.

November 2022 Update.

At the Beginning of November we have applied for Permitted Development of a Small Prefabricated Forestry Shed/Wood store. 

Which we hope to be allowed to install in our Private Car Parking area. 

This will Enable Us to Continue Managing & working Safely at the wood.

Plans Below of Forestry Shed.

Top Track -Trees Project

The Top Track project is one of our main planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating Trees for Spring & Autumn Colour.

We have planted 12 wild Cherry, 5 Hazel, 5 Small Leaf Lime & 3 Copper Beech.

This will provide Us with some seasonal colour whilst providing fruit for the Birds & nectar for the insects like bees & butterflies. 

2022 Update Most of the Trees planted along the top track are growing except two of the 3 Copper Beech which have failed and the odd other tree.

Triangle -Picnic area Project

The Triangle project is one of our smaller planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating cover around our Small Picnic Bench Area above our Conservation Woodland. Giving Us somewhere to Enjoy our Wood without disturbing Nesting Birds especially during the Spring & early summer. Planted with 18 New trees beneficial for the wildlife. 5 Aspen, 5 Alder, 5 Field Maple & 3 Wild Cherry  Also providing Us with an area to work Coppice wood to make our carved products.

Coppice & Fruit -Tree Project

The Coppice & Fruit project is one of our main planting projects.

The project is aimed at creating new Trees for Coppicing & Fruit trees for wildlife within the Main Woodland. We have planted a mixture of New Hazel, Hornbeam, Chestnut, Small leaf Lime, Wild Plum, Crab apple, Pear & Apple trees. This will provide Us with wood for wood carving Products & fruit for Us & the wildlife to enjoy.

Update November 2022

This year we are planting another 25 Hazel trees around the Wood for new Coppice trees & they will also provide more Habitat for the Wildlife as well. They should arrive for planting Mid to late November.


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