Febuary News Update 2024

 After a Second Successful year with the Pied Flycatchers breeding at our small private nature reserve. We hope to increase this Success with the installation of 8 new nest boxes at our site for this years Breeding season. We have also installed 5 Bat boxes at our site this year starting our Bat Conservation project. There are 7 Known bat species in Wales that may possibly use our site as a roost site in the tree canopy. The Brown Long-Eared Bat, Noctule Bat, Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Barbastelle Bat, Soprano Pipistrelle Bat ,Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Bat & Common Pipistrelle Bat. We have I seen Pipistrelle flying in the evenings along the rides of our Wood and have captured a Brown Long Eared Bat on Trail cam on the wing flying past the camera last year. So fingers crossed the newly installed bat boxes will bring Us some success providing roosting spots for the Bats. If there is a local Bat Group in the Powys area that would be willing to help Monitor the bats at our Site Please contact Me to discuss as our site is A Private Reserve.

Other News

Tree Growth data Collection for the Forestry Commission's Research Lab continues at our site as our Stewardship Scientist for the Project John Williams gathers data from the Girth Growth Bands.

The Data gathered so far on the Sessile Oak trees are beginning to show some results but it is early days as the project has only been running since June 2023.
New Chief Scientist for the Growth project at the FR Mike Bell Said that Initially 36 Woodland owners across the UK had Applied to join the ESC & Growth Project but as of 20th February 2024 only 16 who applied to become Stewardship Scientists have actually Submitted Data to the FR. 1204 individual Tree readings across 40 sub Compartments have been Gathered by Stewardship Scientists so far.

Farther to this there also needs to be some Research at the Sites Participating to also Participate in the Resilience project or ESC to gather Data about Soil stabilities at the sites taking part. Soil pit & Vegetation Surveys need to be gathered Said Duncan Ray the FR Lead Scientist on the Resilience Project (ESC) This date will be required to be Entered in to the FR ESC online Research Facility.

John Williams at our site has replied to Duncan letting him know that we will hopefully start doing Soil & Vegetation Surveys at our site for the Research project Later this year Possibly Late summer/Autumn.

Below Tree Data Gathered from Narrows Wood So far

27th February Work Update

On Tuesday we repairing the Boundary Fence Posts by installing 6 new Posts with the Aid of our fellow Neighbouring Woodsman Joe from Bowdler wood.

We also Planted two more Fruit Trees to our mini Orchard bringing it to total of 8 fruit trees at the lower bank.

Finally we started constructing a dead hedge for the wildlife at the end of our Air Rifle Range/Mini Orchard we will be adding more brash and dead wood to this hedge to thicken it up. It should provide good habitat for wildlife.


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