News Update

The Latest Brief News Updates ! 

November 19th 2022

Our new trees arrived today 100 Norway Spruce & 25 Hazel.

Have bagged up the spruce in bundles of 25 to make it easier to handle for planting out.

The hazel will be the first to plant as our priority to plant new Coppice around the woodland.

Planting out will take Us around 3 days work.

News Update October 31st

This we are planting a few more trees filling in the odd gaps where we have lost Trees from Last years Planting. At the end of October I started the years tree planting with some Basket Willow Cuttings. The willow will help create the lower woodland bank Hedgerow along the Brookside. I have planted 47 along the Brookside filing the gaps with the previous years Hedgerow planting. It is hoped that the willow will provide habitat for the wildlife & in the winter months provide Us with willow Stems to coppice for Basket Weaving. As we ordered 50 Cuttings the other 3 were planted on the Field side of the track to fill gaps in that hedgerow.

Mid-Late November we have 100 Norway Spruce arriving. A number of these will be planted along the Boundary with Narrows wood & Brood wood. This is hoped to complete the Evergreen Boundary corridor. which we have planted to divide our wood from our Neighbours at Brood. This will provide Winter cover for the wildlife & hopefully provide food for the Future reintroduction of the Red Squirrels to the area once the Grey Squirrels have been Eradicated from the Woodlands. Any Excess Norway Spruce Trees we have will be given to Neighbouring Woodland owners for there Woods !

Also in November we will be planting 25 New Hazel trees adding to our Understory Hazel for Future Coppicing. As part of our regeneration of our Coppice woodland. 

We are waiting for a reply from the Powys Council about Permitted development for a Small Tool/wood Store to help Us continue our Maintainace work at the Woodland.

Please come back for Updates.  

News Update Sunday 27 November 22

We have now planted out the Hazel in the Woodland & most of the Norway Spruce we still have around another 30 to plant out around our site and have shared some with High View Wood.

News Update 14/12/22

Narrows Wood Shed Agreed

Permitted Development has been approved on the 14/12/22 by the Powys County council Planning department for our Forestry Maintenance Shed//Wood store. 

This will Help Us maintain our woodland providing Somewhere to store Fire Wood, & Hand Tools for regular Coppicing Maintenance working at the Wood  also Providing a space for our Porta Loo.  

News Update 18/12/22

In January 2023 we have some major Maintainace work being done on site to remove 3 fallen trees On our Boundary with Cwmgilla Farm. Our Woodland Management Contractors will be Working at the wood to remove the Trees & repair the Fencing at Narrows Wood. So our part of woodland Track & parking area is closed for Maintainace work. No Patrons of our Wood to Enter while work is being Done. 

Feb 6th 2023
Due to bad weather Cut above could not remove the fallen trees till February the 6th.
They have now cleared the windblown Trees & also removed another extra tree that had come down along the Farmers fence boundary. They also made a repair to the fence installing 3 posts stop the farmers sheep enter our woodland. 
extra tree found to remove from fence

repaired fence to stop sheep entering wood

extra tree cleared should help us access lower area

chippings pile from cut wood will come in handy in the parking area over mud

cut trees stacked in logs in a pile

Photos Provided Curtesy of Joe from Cut above Tree Services.

Feb 19 2023 Lower Bank

Bank Clearance of Below car park at our Lower Bank!

With the help of Joe form Bowdler Wood which is much Appreciated for the Help Joe ! 

Between us we cleared a path way in to the Lower part of our Property at Narrows Wood. 

This has given Us another area we can do Projects.

News Update 21/2/23

Currently on the 21 Feb I marked out with a few sticks and some string the unfenced boundary with the farmers scrub bit of land. Along this boundary I have planted some Norway Spruce to form a Natural boundary line. I also doted a few more Norway spruce around the lower plot and a couple of Lilac bushes. 

There is a far bit of Coppicing work to do in the Autumn on the Lower plot as the Hazel there needs to be brought back in to rotation so this will be a future Project in the latter part of the year.

There is also a lot of rubbish, old farm junk and stuff mostly buried when they built the bank and the road using this stuff to act as ballast for the building of the road. typical lazy farming way of getting rid of rubbish. Some bits are not buried so we have to remove at some point to tidy up the area for wildlife.

The plan for the bottom bank will be to turn the area in to a wildlife photography & Target Shoot area where we can set up a hide and photograph wildlife. We will also be using the area for Target shooting with an Air Riffle. Target shooting is vital training for pest control as we do have a problem with Grey squirrels damaging our trees.

More on this project coming soon.

16/3/23 News Update for Lower Bank Area!

We will be have now Bought some Posts & a Gate for the lower Bank Area from B&M and hope to install this soon to make it Private! 
We will also be Monitoring the Lower bank and the car Park as we have had some recent fly tipping incidents happen here. 
If it happens again we will hopefully have evidence to prosecute the fly tippers! 

Maintenance Shed

We are hoping to start our Maintainace shed build this spring. So that we Storage area & Loo for our Future Open Air work area set up in our Car park as hoping to utilize this area for Forestry wood Craft  where we can make Coppiced Products & Camp out  at our wood.

In the Summer we are also setting Up an area in the Wood for Archer practice as, I am interested in taking up the Sport as a hobby. 

I will be making a Archery Range with a double netting back stop setup for safety along our middle track in Narrows wood with a target area in front of the Netting. 

There will be Warning signs put up at Our woodland when Archery We are doing Archery!  

No Patrons of Our Wood or Trespassers please when Archery is taking place to enter our wood for obvious reasons as these  Sporting weapons can kill or cause injury. 

News 26/2/23
We had a lazy Sunday Carving spoons around the Fire Pit at the Wood Today.

News Update 2/3/23

Planted the last of our Norway spruce today & also added two Golden Delicious Apple trees to the bank below the car park. 

Making a Total Trees Planted on site at our wood To date 590 trees planted. 

Still room for some more Fruit trees in the Future in the lower bank area. 

We also put up a couple of Signs on our Fence today. 

4/3/2023 News Update !

The Rabbit Cam

Today we enjoyed a day around our fire pit at the woods & watching the wildlife at the wood.
I also checked out the Lower Bank for signs of Wildlife activity.
I found a new Rabbit Warren in the lower Bank area and have now set up Trail cameras to Monitor the Rabbit activity in the area. Will be interesting to watch the Warren and see what the rabbits are doing at there warren.

News Update 15/3/23 Rabbit spotted at lower bank Warren

5/3/2023 News Update

Future Minor Projects at the Wood.

Archery Range

We will be installing a Permanent Area in the Woods as a Archery Range for the Practice of Target shooting With a Bow & Arrows. The range will have a solid Backstop built in to the Woodland Bank Plus also Netting Backstops for added Safety of Sporting Archery Practice ! Using Small 2ft Landscape Post Markers to mark out various shooting distances to the target area. The Posts will be at 5M distances and marked with White Paint on the Tops. This Helps the Archer know his/her Shooting line to the Target and where to stand.    

Brood Wood Boundary

We bought Some Small 2ft landscape posts Today from B&M which we will paint the top in Orange.

These small posts will be used to mark out a Permeant boundary marker boundary line with our neighbour at Brood wood. Helping to indicate our Boundary with there wood. In addition to the original markers already there. Also fitting a New Post with an orange top at the Fence on the boundary.

The reason to define the boundary a bit better is that Archery will take place in our wood so Do not want anyone wandering in by accident from the Brood wood side of  our boundary we will also be putting a sign on the boundary warning on the Danger!

Update Now installed on 15/03/23 Boundary Markers Completed !

Picnic Trellis Screening 

At our picnic Table we are also installing a Trellis screen, this will hopefully encourage the natural honeysuckle to grow on the trellis. Thus creating a natural screen to help reduce the effects of the wind near the picnic table for when we have a Fire Pit there. It will also help to camouflage our picnic area so it blends in with there surrounding woodland as it will be painted Forest Green.  

Camouflaging our Picnic Table & Woodland Bench.

This Summer we hope to Paint our Picnic Bench & Woodland Bench Forest Green. This will not only Protect the Wood from the weather but also help them blend in with the Woodland Surroundings. Making them less conspicuous.  

 Levelling Woodland Spots 

We plan to Level a few small woodland spots in our wood & the Lower Bank. 

The aim of this is so that we can easily setup our Portable Photography Blinds, where needed for the taking of Wildlife Photography.   

Photography Tower

At some point we hope to install a High seat or Tower at one of Our Large Oaks.

This will provide an elevated view of our woodland for Wildlife Photography. 

This will give a different perspective of our Woodland for Photography.  

Wild Flower Project


After Tracey's Success planting some wild flowers in the Wood

Our Wild Garlic is growing well & also our Wild Daffodil's too!

We plan to expand on this project planting more wild flowers at our Wood like wild Primrose ,Wild Garlic, Foxgloves, Snakes Head Fritillary's (Red listed) & Scotch Broom. 

5th April 2023 News Update

John and our Woodland have been Accepted on to the Forest Lab Growth Project, as a Volunteer Stewardship Scientist. We will be working with the UK Forestry commissions Top Climate Scientists  collecting data for Forest!  

Forest Research is the Principle Organisation in Great Britain for Forest & tree Related Research.

The Forest labs Growth project will be monitoring trees on 40 sites around Britain seeing how the effects of climate change is affecting the growth of our Forests and the Ecosystem over the coming years. 

To help protect and better understand how the trees are coping with the ever changing climate & how we can make our Trees more Resilient to the changes. 

June the 5th 2023 we have now started scientific work on the Tree Growth Project by installing Girth Bands on 6 of our Sessile Oaks. We can now start monitoring the Data to feed back to the Scientists at the Forest Research. Gov.UK


Shooting Range

This spring I built a Shooting Backstop Board for doing some Target Shooting/Plinking at my wood. It was made from some spare Loft flooring boards I had laying about in the Garage & a couple of Fence posts I bought from B&M. To help protect the Back boards I used some Ronseal fence paint I had left from spray painting our garden fence. Think the Loft Boards cost around £5.99 at the time of Purchase from B&Q for a pack of 3 & the Posts were also about £5.99 each. To this I added a Target Box from Nitehawk Ltd which came with 100 card Targets for around £7.99. Earlier in the year I had some contractors in at the wood to clear some fallen trees that had windblown over winter across the boundary with the Neighbouring Farm. After they had removed an repaired the damage. It opened up an area of our we had not been able to get too before. With the help of a woodland neighbour we managed to clear the rest of the over grown tree branches. This allowed us to access are lower bank below our parking area a bit of rough ground between the car parking area and the farm boundary fence. I have a few little projects for this area. First of which is to setup a Shooting Range to practice Shooting with Air guns. Still have quit a bit of work to do in the Area but have now installed a Sign, Gate & backstop Target board. We also bought a BB gun to use at £29.99 which came with ammo from Pellpax a Bergin. So Target & Gun with ammo cost under £50 to make.


We have ordered some new wildlife Nest Boxes / Houses

After Success with birds nesting at our woodland we have ordered 8 new nest boxes which will replace old ones where needed. Tracey will be painting them with wildlife friendly paint over the summer for instillation in the Winter. We also have 3 Bat boxes on order to start providing roosting sites for the woodland bats. If this works we will install more around the site in the future. Also after the discovery that we have Hedgehogs at the woodland we are going to place 2 hedgehog houses in different locations around the wood to provide the Hedgehogs with a safe winter refuge to hibernate for the winter. If the Hedgehog houses work we may install a couple more.


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